Connect with OARS!

Simply log into the OARS Portal, complete and submit the New Student Welcome Form! After filling out the form, We’ll schedule a virtual or in-person consultation, at your convenience. 

Students requesting disability accommodations self identify to OARS by completing the Welcome Form. Relevant and appropriate documentation may be uploaded in the following ways:

  • Via the Welcome Form in the OARS Portal
  • Under the Student Files section of the OARS Portal
  • Submitted in person to the OARS Office (located in EUC 215)
  • Sent via email to
  • Sent by fax to 336.334.4412

Students facing barriers to obtaining documentation in a timely manner should meet with OARS to determine if provisional accommodations are reasonable in the interim. In cases where documentation is deemed insufficient, updated information may be needed. OARS may consult with appropriate university professionals when necessary for assessment of reasonable accommodations.

How to Log In to the Oars Portal

You can log into the OARS Portal using your UNCG credentials and complete the two-factor authentication.

How to Upload Documentation

Log into the OARS Portal You may upload any documentation with the Welcome Form or send it separately via the “Student Files” icon.

No documentation available? Let’s talk about potential provisional accommodations while we work to gather documents. 

Ways OARS Can Help You

The list below is examples of different accommodations.  Remember every student is unique so their accommodations will be unique to them.

Accessible Testing

Many students with disabilities connected with OARS require accommodated testing; this means that the administration of quizzes, tests, and exams is modified in some way to provide students with an opportunity to test in an environment or manner that eliminates or redresses barriers. Examples may include:

  • Extended time on timed assessments (quizzes, tests, exams, finals).
  • Testing in a separate setting or distraction-reduced environment.
  • The use of a screen reader or other technologies for reading and writing.
  • The use of noise canceling headphones or ear plugs during testing.
  • The use of a scribe or reader during testing.

OARS collaborates with the University Proctoring Lab to serve most students with accommodated testing. OARS has limited space in which to provide accommodated testing. The UPL is equipped to assist with most accommodated testing. UPL also provides a quiet (distraction-reduced) environment and access to screen readers, Zoom Text, adjustable height desks, and headphones/earplugs. Students with accommodated testing needs should always communicate with their professors to determine how testing accommodations are arranged. Many professors provide testing accommodations in their spaces, which eliminates the need to make other arrangements. Professors who cannot accommodate students during testing may need them to make an appointment with the UPL or with OARS. All testing appointments, in OARS or the UPL, need to be scheduled through TracCloud.

Possible reasons to test in OARS instead of the UPL include:

  1. The test begins before 9 am.
  2. The student requires a private testing environment. This is different from a distraction-reduced environment or small setting.
  3. The student requires assistance or technology from OARS staff during testing that is not available in the UPL.

Other testing considerations:

  • If you schedule in OARS without a specific need to do so, your appointment may be moved to the UPL. Most students should schedule in the UPL for accommodated testing; if you believe that you should be testing in the OARS spaces but cannot view the appropriate test appointment slots, this may mean that you are not eligible to test in those spaces. If you believe this is an error, report it to
  • If you plan to test in OARS or the UPL, your professors must arrange for testing outside of the classroom. They will need to register their test preferences and give their permission through the TracCloud portal. Neither OARS nor the UPL will be able to proctor or provide accommodated testing if the professor has not provided instructions and needed testing materials.
  • You will be asked to place any personal items not being used during your test in the bins or lockers provided.  This includes phones, Smart watches, coats, hats, and other items not allowed for the test.
  • OARS testing sessions are recorded and may be reviewed.  Suspicious activity will be reported to professors; this is in line with University policies and UPL procedures.
  • Questions about TracCloud and how to make appointments should be directed to the UPL.
  • Questions about your approved accommodations for testing should be directed to

Accessible Technology

OARS offers a wider range of accessible technology, such as voice-synthesis/recognition software, screen-readers, assistive listening devices, Braille translation/printing and books/ documents scanned to electronic text format. Accessible Technology can be used in OARS, campus computer labs and classrooms.

Advocacy Assistance

OARS staff members are able to serve as advocates in instances where students and college officials have concerns regarding the appropriateness of services and/or accommodations. In addition, a formal grievance procedure can serve to resolve disability-related complaints. Students are encouraged to see an Assistant Director/Director of the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services if additional information is needed.

Interpreter Services

OARS offers a range of services for students who are deaf or hard of hearing to include interpreting, captioning and note-taking services.

Barrier Removal

Students may not be excluded from a requested course offering, program or activity because it is not offered in an accessible location. New construction will be planned in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines or the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.

Any student wishing to address issues regarding physical barriers should meet with OARS.

Feel Like You are Not Receiving Your Accommodations?

The Grievance Process can help students who feel as though their accommodations are not being met.

This grievance procedure applies if:

  • A student is denied accommodations, or
  • A student believes the final accommodations provided are not adequate, or if accommodations were not provided, or
  • A student believes, for any other reason, that they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination or a violation of their rights with respect to Title II or Section 504.

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OARS Portal

Contact Us!

OARS is located on the second floor of the Elliott University Center (EUC) in Suite 215.

OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday
VOICE: 336.334.5440
FAX: 336.334.4412
EMAIL: oars@uncg

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