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Grievance Procedure

OARS is responsible, on behalf of UNC Greensboro, for determining students’ needs for accommodations. Upon receiving a request from a student, OARS engages in a two-part procedure: (1) an intake interview and (2) review of required documentation of the disability. If the OARS staff determines academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids (“accommodations”) are warranted, the OARS staff coordinates the accommodations with the student, the instructor and any necessary third-party service providers. OARS also ensures that students are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination on campus by reason of disability. This grievance procedure applies to all student disability related complaints.

This procedure applies only to students. Employees who believe they may have been subjected to disability-based discrimination should contact the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action in the Human Resources Department.

A multi-level procedure for redress of disability related grievances is available to all students. Prior to initiating the grievance procedure, grieving students have the opportunity to seek advice from the Dean of Students by requesting an appointment. The Dean of Students is a senior, non-academic administrator, responsible for planning and supervising student-life programs as well as enforcing campus policies that bear on student behavior and treatment. The Dean of Students is an impartial party who can facilitate informal conversations that lead to resolutions, as well as provide students with guidance on the formal grievance procedure. During any grievance procedure, any academic accommodations or services that have been established will continue uninterrupted.

While every student has access to the formal procedure described below, the University expects that every effort shall be made by the student, any involved faculty members, and any involved OARS staff to resolve the grievance informally in ways consistent with fair treatment of others within a supportive campus community.

Prior to invoking the procedures described below, the student is strongly encouraged, but is not required, to discuss their grievance with the person alleged to have caused the grievance. The discussion should be held as soon as the student first becomes aware of the act or condition that is the basis of the grievance, because delay in reporting may limit the scope of remedies available, should discrimination be found to have occurred. Additionally, or in the alternative, the student may wish to present their grievance in writing to the person alleged to have caused the grievance as an attempt at informal resolution. In either case, the person alleged to have caused the grievance must respond to the student promptly, either orally or in writing.*

*If the student’s dispute involves a decision by the OARS Director or designee, then the student may forego the Informal Grievance Procedure and file a Formal Grievance.

  1. If a student chooses to forgo the informal procedure described above, or if the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure), then the student may initiate a Formal Grievance by requesting and filing a Formal Grievance form here.
  2. The Formal Grievance form may be obtained online by clicking here. The form should be completed and submitted within three (3) business days of receiving the decision regarding the Informal Grievance, if possible. Where no Informal Grievance is submitted, the Formal Grievance form should be submitted as soon as the student first becomes aware of the act or condition that is the basis of the grievance, because delay in reporting may limit the scope of remedies available.
  3. The OARS Director will confirm receipt of the formal grievance form and route the grievance to the appropriate office for further review. Such routing may include, sharing copies of the complaint with the Dean of Students, the relevant academic department head/chair and/or academic dean.
  4. The OARS Director will direct grievances as follows:
    • For grievances involving an undergraduate and a faculty member, the complaint will be referred to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (the Dean of Undergraduate Studies is an academic administrator responsible for curricular matters);
    • For grievances involving a graduate student, the complaint will be forwarded to the Dean of the Graduate School (the Dean of the Graduate School is an academic administrator who has oversight of all graduate programs at the University);
    • For grievances involving other staff or students, the complaint will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office, which will coordinate, if appropriate, with the Director of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action in the Human Resources Department.
  5. Upon receipt of the formal grievance form, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Dean of the Graduate School, or the Dean of Students, or their designees, as applicable, will conduct a formal investigation of the student’s grievance within thirty (30) business days while class is in session. If more time is needed, the Dean or designee will notify the student in writing that the deadline must be extended. This written notification will specify the new, anticipated deadline for completing the investigation.
  6. This review may include meeting with the aggrieved student and any involved faculty or staff members. The purpose of such a meeting is for individuals who wish to present additional evidence and/or witnesses in person to do so. Alternatively, this information may be provided in writing.
  7. The relevant Dean’s office will issue a written decision (including the reasons for the decision, directing any applicable remedy, listing steps to prevent recurrence, and any available appeal options) within thirty (30) business days of their completion of the investigation. If more time is needed, the Dean or designee will notify the student in writing that the deadline must be extended, and will specify the new, anticipated deadline.
  8. If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may appeal within seven (7) business days of receiving the written decision from the relevant Dean’s office. The student may appeal to the Provost or Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or their designee for a review of the record in its entirety. The University official who conducts this review will issue a final written decision within thirty (30) business days. This decision is final and is not subject to further appeal.

This grievance procedure applies if:

  • A student is denied accommodations, or
  • A student believes the final accommodations provided are not adequate, or if accommodations were not provided, or
  • A student believes, for any other reason, that they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination or a violation of their rights with respect to Title II or Section 504.

The University prohibits retaliatory action of any kind against any person for making a good-faith report of discrimination, or on the basis of participation in any allegation, investigation, or proceeding related to a report of discriminatory conduct. Students should also use the grievance procedure detailed below to submit allegations of retaliation after reporting discrimination or participating in an investigation of alleged violations of Title II or Section 504.

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OARS is located on the second floor of the Elliott University Center (EUC) in Suite 215.

OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 am- 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday
VOICE: 336.334.5440
FAX: 336.334.4412
EMAIL: oars@uncg

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